Sad days of lost childhood.

We had all of my nieces and nephews over for a slumber party. We hardly get to see them because our family is so spread out over the US. We have to cherish the time we have and not waste one minute on stupid electronic devices! I told them first thing as they started pulling out iPads, iPhones and Nintendo devices (I’m old school like that) that at my house these things were NOT allowed. They were to set them down and put their things in their rooms and return out side.

It was a hot but beautiful day. We had just returned from picking a friends bounce house/water slide. As It was being place on the trailer I thought. Maybe he will let us borrow it for a few hrs and then we could dry it out and return it to him that night. Yes!!! One super engaging thing to do and we can cool off while being active and having fun playing with all ages! While we were setting up for some pool time, I had to find the teens something to use as suits. I looked through all my “skinny” clothes and what do you know, they fit them like little models! Then…. I realized how fat I let myself get! Ugh! That is another story!



This was the moment I realized I need to put the phone down And soak up the memories. (No pun intended)
We played and played and actually all enjoyed the day. Even the Disneyland bummer (He stayed at his hotel because he didn’t want to walk around Disneyland) stayed out there the entire time! He shut it down! He even helped roll the bouncer up and put it away, anyone who has never tried it before… Consult a dr. I swear it is one of the hardest things we have ever done! So proud our little stud got it bagged and on the truck.

I walked in after cleaning up to see more little faces stuck to their phones and game devices. I just walked next to the couch and said. “You know the rules, we don’t come in until the sun goes down!”

We headed out into the sunset and I told them we were going to play Night Games!!! I was so excited, these are my fondest memories of growing up! Kids could be kids, run, play, laugh, socialize and build up not only athletics but most importantly self confidence, trust and self reliance as well! Where did the good days go where this was the norm to “What are night games?”

My heart sank, as I asked each one of the kids, not one knew what they were. Well, dang it they will be learning from one of the best! Me!


We started with Sardines. Sardines or Ghost in the Graveyard is basically the same thing. One player who is “it” hides while everyone counts. Then they are off looking for the Sardine (We figured this name was far less frightening than the other.) When you find the Sardine you hid with them, like Sardines in a can. Last person to find them is it.

I have tons more and I also don’t remember all of the ones we use to play, I wish I did. Those kids didn’t want to stop for one second! They wanted to keep going, let it be know I could do it until the sun came up. But alas we did have very small children who needed to sleep sometime.
I have some fun things planed for the next time they come to stay! No electronic devices, they can check it before bed.

How could people not want a big family? I love being around fun people, people I love, enjoy my time with, that love my children. It’s always a fun time getting everyone together! I can’t wait until next year!

What are some of the things you did as a child during summer? Most fondest memories?
So get out there and do some of those! And take a few pictures, but mostly get in there and enjoy it and soak up the memories!

What do you think?